Barcelona Bootcamp Logo


Clients should ensure they understand and accept the terms and conditions as set out below.

  1. Medical & Health
  • All clients attending Barcelona Boot Camp should be aware of and accept the risks involved in undertaking intense periods of physical activity.
  • Unless otherwise disclosed in writing to Barcelona Bootcamp ahead, the Client confirms that they are in good mental and physical health and are unaware of any reason why they may be particularly unsuited to taking part in the activity and / or service agreed upon or may be likely to suffer illness or injury during the activity and / or service.
  • You are required to fill out a medical form ahead flagging any personal health issues.
  • If you have any medical conditions that you are concerned about, these must be discussed with Barcelona Bootcamp staff and flagged prior to booking.
  • Barcelona Bootcamp may ask for letters from your physician if certain issues are raised on the medical form.
  • All clients are advised to seek medical advice from their physician before booking.
  • Failure to disclose any serious illness, injury or high dose of medication enables Barcelona Bootcamp to reserve the right to refuse the client to partake in strenuous exercise and could result in Barcelona Bootcamp cancelling the course place without refund.
  1. Insurance
  • Travel Insurance with comprehensive personal accident and cancellation insurance is highly recommended in case of injury or inability to complete the duration of your stay in Sitges, Barcelona.
  • Travel Insurance with comprehensive personal accident and cancellation insurance is mandatory for our boot camps.
  1. Booking Conditions
  • To place a booking Barcelona Bootcamp requires a completed booking form with deposit (50% of stay).
  • Booking terms and conditions are then accepted by the client.
  • Barcelona Bootcamp reserves the right to decline any booking at their discretion.
  • The Barcelona Bootcamp is a six day residential course, unless otherwise agreed at booking (ie on refresher course or a day client).
  • To book a place on Barcelona Bootcamp course you have to arrive on day one of course at the specified time unless otherwise agreed ahead.
  • Clients who can not arrive on day one of course need prior agreement at booking with Barcelona Bootcamp.
  • Clients can not leave during the course and then return unless agreed by Barcelona Bootcamp in advance.
  • Should there be a medical reason for not being able to attend, a doctor’s note is required in order to amend or change the booking free of charge. Changes to bookings are all subject to availability.
  1. Fee and Payment Terms
  • The balance of the fee is payable in full, 5 weeks prior to arrival at the boot camp venue and before commencement of the course unless agreed otherwise on confirmation of booking.
  • In the event that the balance is not paid, Barcelona Bootcamp will have the discretion to treat the booking as cancelled by the client and resell the course space.
  1. Client Alterations
  • All payments made are non-refundable.
  • If you are unable to attend the original dates that you reserved for any reason, it is possible to change to an alternate set of dates, subject to availability. There is an additional charge for any changes made to your booking dates. This fee is equal to 50% of the total cost of your booking.
  1. Cancellation by Barcelona Bootcamp
  • We try our best not to cancel a confirmed booking but reserve the right to do so.
  • If we cancel a confirmed booking before your activity Barcelona Bootcamp will offer the client the choice of a full refund or another available date (with pro-rata refund/price increases as appropriate).
  1. Cancellation by the Client
  • Please notify us as early as possible if you will not be attending your bootcamp.
  • All bootcamp payments made/taken are non-refundable. 
  1. Responsibilities of the Client
  • Clients shall be held responsible to make compensation for any damage they cause to the contents and furnishings of the premises during their stay, except for wear and tear.
  • Barcelona Bootcamp accepts no responsibility for the loss, damage or theft of personal possessions, which includes, but is not limited to, clothing passed to third party cleaners, clothing, jewellery or similar items of value, personal equipment or the like, used on boot camp. All campers are advised to ensure that they are adequately insured against these events and not to bring valuables to camp.
  • It is the responsibility of the Client to arrange travel to the site / location for the proposed activity and or service unless otherwise stated.
  • The client is also responsible for their own personal medical requirements and personal footwear equipment and clothing unless otherwise stated.
  1. Alterations by Barcelona Bootcamp
  • We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of our literature. However changes can occur despite our best endeavors and we reserve the right to change any price or other particulars before the Client books (in which case we will tell you before your booking becomes binding).
  • If there is a ‘Major Change’ to a confirmed booking we will inform the Client as soon as is reasonably practical and offer you the choice of accepting the change receiving a full refund or transferring to another available date.
  • If there is any change other than a ‘Major Change’ we are not obliged to inform you in advance (but we will do so where practicable) nor are we obliged to pay you compensation. If we become unable to provide a major proportion of the services you have booked with Barcelona Bootcamp we will make every effort to arrange alternative arrangements for you at no extra charge and where appropriate refund the Client pro rata for services not received. If the client wishes to make major changes to agreed programme additional costs may be added at the company’s discretion.
  • The programmes we publish in our literature and on our website and describing the courses are designed to be illustrative in order to best explain the scope and type of activities you will be undertaking. It is very unlikely that any one programme could be or would be followed precisely as it is published. Several factors outside of our control will determine this and dictate what can be accomplished reasonably during your course. The most influential factors will be the weather the conditions physical fitness of course participants.
  • Taking these factors into consideration and the aims of the course as described in our literature the Barcelona Bootcamp team will construct the best programme possible. The team will review and may alter the programme as the course progresses in response to the changing influence of these factors.
  1. Conditions of Service

As part of the continual review of safety and associated considerations the conditions of booking are subject to change clarification and modification at any time. Only the Barcelona Bootcamp team or their appointed representative is empowered to vary or waive any of the Conditions of Booking. Such decisions are totally at the discretion of the course director or the appointed deputy.

  • Barcelona Bootcamp reserves the right to alter the content of the Services at any time without notice to the Client due to certain factors including but not limited to the weather and physical fitness of the client.
  • Our Barcelona Bootcamp team guides instructors and leaders will do their utmost to ensure that any problems are solved for the benefit of the course participants as a whole. Signing the booking form signifies your acceptance of the team’s authority to make decisions affecting the group or individuals.
  1. Acceptance of Authority
  • Employees of Barcelona Bootcamp and staff will use their best endeavours to resolve problems to the benefit of the Client as a whole.
  • The Client must refrain from any conduct which may give offence or cause danger or damage to any person or property.
  • If Barcelona Bootcamp or any of its suppliers believe that the Client is in breach of this obligation likely to breach it or is otherwise unfit to partake in the activity Barcelona Bootcamp or its suppliers may in their absolute discretion refuse the booking or have the Client removed from any property or facility. Barcelona Bootcamp will owe the Client no liability in such circumstances and the Client will be solely responsible for any costs incurred.
  • The Barcelona Bootcamp Team may require an individual or number of persons to leave the group if they believe that the Client’s health and safety are at risk if an illegal act has been committed or the Client has behaved in a way as to endanger safety enjoyment or the welfare of the group as a whole. In the event of this action the Client involved shall not be entitled to any refund from boot camp and will be required to meet all expenses involved in their immediate extraction.
  1. Complaints
  • If there is a problem during the activity and or service period you must report it to in the first instance the instructor of your activity. If it is still unresolved you must then report it a director of Barcelona Bootcamp immediately so that prompt and effective efforts can be made to resolve the problem.
  • In the unlikely event that the problem cannot be resolved at this time and you wish to raise a complaint full written details must be sent to Barcelona Bootcamp within 28 days of the activity and or service finishing. Please include your booking reference number / party details and exact full details of your complaint on your letter; please include your daytime and evening contact telephone numbers. Failure to take these steps will prejudice our ability to resolve your problem and/or investigate it fully therefore any right to compensation you may otherwise have had will be lost or substantially reduced.
  1. Media
  • Barcelona Bootcamp reserve the right to take any recordings of the Client during the activity and /or services and the Client accepts that all rights whatsoever arising in the recordings shall by solely owned by Barcelona Bootcamp
  • The Client accepts and agrees that any recordings may be used by Barcelona Bootcamp at its absolute discretion in any manner including but not limited to its website, socials media, marketing, PR, promotional material and advertisements.
  1. Copyright
  • Barcelona Bootcamp reserves all copyright which may subsist in the products of, or in connection with, the provision of all activities, services or facilities.
  • Barcelona Bootcamp reserves the right to take such actions as may be appropriate to restrain or prevent infringement of such copyright.
  1. Law and Jurisdiction
  • This agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Spain. The Court of Spain shall have exclusive jurisdiction in relation to any matters arising out of this Agreement.

Your statutory rights are NOT affected by any of our terms and conditions.

  1. Testimonial, Video and Photo Release
  • In consideration of good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, I, the undersigned, hereby grant to Barcelona Bootcamp (“The Organiser”) the right to use my name, biographical information, photographs, videos, images, story and/or testimonial, in whole or in part, and without restriction as to changes or alterations. The rights granted herein shall extend in perpetuity, unless revoked in writing to The Organiser by me, throughout the world and for any purpose whatsoever, including without limitation for marketing and advertising purposes of The Organiser, and in any and all media, including without limitation The Organiser’s website.
  • I acknowledge that The Organiser has no obligation to return any videos, photographs or images to me.
  • I hereby RELEASE, WAIVE and FOREVER DISCHARGE any and all claims arising out of, or in connection with, such use by The Organiser, including without limitation any and all claims for libel or invasion or privacy.
  • I hereby warrant and represent that I am at least 18 years of age and have the right to contract in my own name. I have read the above Release and am fully familiar with the contents thereof. This Release contains the entire agreement between the parties hereto as to the subject matter contained herein.